It's in Kuşkayası area, 4km far from Amasra and on Amasra-Bartın Highway.It was built in 41-54 AC by Gaius Julius Aguilla, who is assigned to Bitinya-Pontus Governership after being the commander of eastern states Building Force at the time of Roma Emperor Germanious Cladius. It is known to be one in the world.
It was built to commemorate Rome Emperor and it was a part of Roman road network.It contains sitting couch, rock niches and two tablets complementing each other with Rome Soverignty Eagle and King Statue
which is carved into rocks with relief technique.
King statue and Soverignty Eagle's heads are destroyed.In the niche that is around king figure and in the tablets which were found in the west away from the reliefs, are written that 'G.J. Anguilla split themountain and built this resting place with his own allocation for peace and friendship among nations.
The last trace of Roman Highway which has about 5m width is in front of this monument.And it's understood that Monument has a monumental fountain and in the lenght of time it collapsed.
Moreover,another monument which is very bare and in pair material with the Roman Period is seen at the Sayyan Roch Hill, overlooking to Amasra...
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